T-AP call on Democracy, Governance and Trust
CALL NOW CLOSED – Information about successful projects can be found here.
The world is facing exceptional social, economic, technological, environmental, and geopolitical challenges, including migration, climate change emergencies, energy crises, war, conflict, political extremism, erosion of democratic institutions, protest, violence, corruption and growing public distrust of governance and expertise. These affect not only the institutions of democratic government but also the wider structures and processes that make our societies work and hold together.
The T-AP call on Democracy, Governance and Trust (DGT) seeks to understand specifically how democracy, governance and trust are integral to the tackling of both short-term crises and long-term challenges and are themselves a focus of the discontent and disruption facing many societies. The DGT call aims to deepen and widen our knowledge and understanding of opportunities, challenges, and crises, relevant to democracy, governance and trust.
Call Core Documents
DGT Call Scope (English)
DGT Call Scope (French)
DGT Call – Instructions to Apply (English)
DGT Call instructions to Apply (French)
DGT call FAQ
DGT Call Webinar #1 on 8th August 2023
The first DGT Call Webinar was held on 8th August. The goal of the webinar was to give an overview of the DGT call and show potential applicants how to submit their proposals online.
Watch the webinar online here
Read the Webinar Scope materials here
DGT Call Webinar #2 on 5th October 2023
The second DGT Call Webinar was held on Thursday 5th October. The focus of this webinar was how to submit an application via the SAGe system.
Watch the webinar online here.
Participating Funding Organizations’ Addenda and Contact Details
Country | Funding organization | Total available funds | Maximum funding per proposal | Contact details | National Addenda |
Brazil |
São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) |
R$ 5,4Mio | R$ 450,000 | Tatiana Cunha chamada-tap@fapesp.br |
Addendum FAPESP |
Canada |
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) |
Laurent Corbeil laurent.corbeil@frq.gouv.qc.ca |
Addendum SSHRC and FRQSC – English version |
Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) |
$3Mio CAD | $200,000 CAD | partnerships@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca | ||
Croatia |
Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) |
€200,000 | €100,000 | Dario Lečić dario@hrzz.hr |
Addendum HRZZ |
France |
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) |
€1,2 Mio | €400,000 | Maria Tsilioni Maria.TSILIONI@agencerecherche.fr |
Addendum ANR |
Poland |
National Science Centre (NCN) |
€600,000 | n/a | Magdalena Sobas
Magdalena.Sobas@ncn.gov.pl Przemysław Puchała |
Addendum NCN |
South Africa |
National Research Foundation (NRF) |
R7,2 Mio | R900,000 | Nombuso Madonda NP.Madonda@risa.nrf.ac.za |
Addendum NRF |
Switzerland |
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) |
1 Mio |
250,000 |
Timothy Ryan timothy.ryan@snf.ch |
Addendum SNSF |
United Kingdom |
UK Research and Innovation (AHRC and ESRC) |
£5 Mio | £300,000 – £400,000 (100% fec) | dgtcall@esrc.ukri.org | Addendum UKRI |
United States of America |
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) |
$1 Mio | $200,000 | Russell Wyland rwyland@neh.gov |
Addendum NEH |
National Science Foundation (NSF) |
$2 Mio | $200,000 | Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong kgyimahb@nsf.gov |
Addendum NSF |