Social Innovation

T-AP Social Innovation

The multi-national and trans-Atlantic projects funded under this call are expected to both add to understandings of social innovation and deliver social innovation(s) through new research. Trans-Atlantic collaboration in this research call will facilitate:

  • addressing social challenges faced on both sides of the Atlantic (e.g. digital divide; urban and rural developments and cohesion; access to public services and infrastructure; ethnic conflicts; human rights and legislation; the current state of democracy; equality and social, political and human values);
  • learning from the experiences of multi-sectoral collaboration for social innovation practiced on both sides of the Atlantic (e.g. innovative forms of economic organization; new (digital) technologies and accessibility; global and local environmental issues and sustainable development; strategies for social cohesion; integration of health and social care services; improvement of education and overcoming of linguistic barriers);
  • applying and adapting approaches from one locale to another;
  • generalizing and/or scaling-up of local experiences.

T-AP Social Innovation Call Awards Announced

Trans-Atlantic Platform Announces 10 Teams to be Awarded Grants in the Social Innovation Call. Press Release available here.  

2018 T-AP Social Innovation Call

Information on the 2018 T-AP Social Innovation Call is available here.

Participating Funding Organisations

Region Country Funding Organisation
Americas Brazil Flag Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Canada Flag Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Canada Flag Fonds de Recherche du Québec Société et culture (FRQSC)
Europe Germany Flag Bundesministeriu m für Bildung und Forschung (DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT)
Finland Flag Suomen Akatemia (AKA)
France Flag Agence Nationale de la  recherche (ANR)
Netherlands Flag Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)
Poland Flag Narodowe Centrum Badań I Rozwoju (NCBR)
United Kingdom Flag UK Research and Innovation (ESRC and AHRC)