Thematic Scoping

Thematic Scoping

The Platform’s three priority areas for transatlantic research collaboration in the social sciences and humanities are:

  • Diversity, (in)equality and differences:
    This research theme involves the different ways in which people and communities value, respond to and interact with diversity, inequality and differences.
  • Resilient and innovative societies:
    This research theme covers emerging and evolving responses to the social, political, cultural and economic challenges facing today’s society, encompassing areas such as the environment, demographic change, food, health and wellbeing.
  • Transformative Research:
    This thematic area concerns new ways of doing research, such as the opportunities provided by big data, interdisciplinary collaboration, and co-production of knowledge with non-academic partners.

The Platform solicited input on these themes from the research community at a series of workshops held at the 2015 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (Ottawa, Canada). In addition, T-AP Partners held workshops on diversity, inequality and differences (London, U.K.), transformative research (São Paulo, Brazil), and a workshop on resilient and innovative societies (Dortmund, Germany), to probe deeper into each thematic area. These workshops brought together Trans-Atlantic researchers, stakeholders and research funders and allowed to establish larger collaborative networks and identify priorities and opportunities for future research cooperation, and connected these opportunities to Horizon 2020 challenges and funding opportunities.