A Comparative Study of Russian Migrant Communities following the Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine (DemEx)

A Comparative Study of Russian Migrant Communities following the Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine (DemEx)

Lead-PI: Marlene Laruelle, George Washington University

Consortium: Zuzanna Brunarska, University of Warsaw; Paul Goode, Carleton University; Ivetta Sergeeva, George Washington University.

Funders: NCN, NSF, SSHRC



This project studies the dynamics between migration and democracy. It explores the challenges and opportunities posed to governance, political inclusion, and cooperation. Areas of investigation include the role of émigrés in fostering resistance and the development of civil society networks. The major questions being investigated are how political migrants interact with the political landscapes of their host countries and their homeland; how these exiles contribute to political dynamics in their homeland through political remittances; and how the narrative of political emigration is leveraged to shape perceptions in both sending and receiving countries.