Economic Futures: the interplay of identities, trust and governance in South African townships

Economic Futures: the Interplay of Identities, Trust and Governance in South African townships

Lead-PI: Munacinga C Simatele, University of Fort Hare

Consortium: Jaimie Bleck, University of Notre Dame; James Copestake, University of Bath

Funders: NRF, NSF, UKRI



This project addresses the interplay of trust and governance and the effect on the economic development of South African townships post-apartheid. It examines the potential for self-sustaining growth within these historically marginalised communities, which still face significant socioeconomic challenges. The project’s goal is to understand and leverage the unique cultural and economic characteristics of townships to promote inclusive growth and reduce dependency on external economic structures covering four themes: the economic potential, technology as an enabler, finance as an enabler and the interplay of social identities and economic activity. The project is using the Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (QUIP) and Participatory Assessment of Development (PADev) tool to facilitate narrative explanations of the drivers of change in various factors that affect the township economy.