Exploring the role of adaptive capacity on democratic performance: Governmental and Non-profit Organizations in the Pandemic

Exploring the role of adaptive capacity on democratic performance: Governmental and Non-profit Organizations in the Pandemic

Funders Involved: ESRC; NSF; SSHRC; FRQSC; NCN

This project integrates organizational, sociological, and democratic theories in a unique manner to analyse and report recommendations for practice that improves adaptive capacity, democratic legitimacy, and ultimately stronger public health participation and outcomes for diverse publics across unique societies.

Lead Principal Investigator: Thomas Bryer (thomas.bryer@ucf.edu), University of Central Florida, USA

Principal Investigators:

Victoria Foster (fosterv@edgehill.ac.uk), Edge Hill University, UK

Mebs Kanji (mebs.kanji@concordia.ca), Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Piotr Modzelewski (pmodzelewski@wne.uw.edu.pl), University of Warsaw, Poland