T-AP Recovery, Renewal, and Resilience Call Awards Announced
19 projects to explore social and cultural impacts of COVID-19
The Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) for the Social Sciences and Humanities, an unprecedented collaboration between humanities and social science research funders from South America, North America and Europe, is pleased to announce the 19 awardees of the T-AP Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World (RRR) call.
Researchers are set to expand our understanding of how to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on society thanks to funding for 19 international projects.
The findings of the research aim to support global recovery and renewal, and to enhance the resilience of society in a post-pandemic world.
They are the first jointly-funded projects in the world to investigate the medium-and long-term effects of the pandemic on all aspects of health, social, economic, political, and cultural life in unprecedented detail.
The researchers will lead the projects, worth nearly 14.4 million Euros (approx.£12 million; approx. 16 million USD), from 12 countries across four continents.
The projects are funded by 16 major funders. The participating countries and funding organisations in this call are:
AKA (Finland), ANR (France), DFG (Germany), DLR-PT/BMBF (Germany), FAPESP (Brazil), FRQSC (Canada), HRZZ (Croatia), IDRC (Colombia, Costa Rica, and Peru) MINCIENCIAS (Colombia), NCN (Poland), NRF (South Africa), NSF (USA), SNSF (Switzerland), SSHRC (Canada), UKRI-AHRC (UK), UKRI-ESRC (UK)
The topics covered by the 19 research projects include:
- building resilient media and ensuring effective pandemic communication in divided societies
- exploring the effect of the pandemic on inequality in North and South America, and Europe
- analysing the trajectories, outcomes and sustainability of grassroots innovations and collaborations in marginalised and racialised communities
- understanding and supporting the recovery needs of socially, politically and physically marginalised communities using creative arts
- exploring the effects of the pandemic on governance, political participation, gender, and community actions
- ensuring the resilience of university instruction
- examining the effects on care work during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Summaries of the projects are available below.
The projects start in March 2022 onwards and will run from between two and three years.
19 Funded Projects under the TAP RRR Call
Please click on the titles for more information.
Who Cares? Rebuilding Care in a Post-Pandemic World
Inequalities, Community Resilience and New Governance Modalities in a Post-Pandemic World
Towards a green and inclusive post-pandemic recovery of the Blue Economy and coastal communities
The Changing Role of Religion in Societies Emerging from Covid-19
FORest ciTizenship for disaster rEsilience: learning from COVID-19
Taxing ghosts: closing residency loopholes to fund post-pandemic recovery efforts
The Value of Openness, Inclusion, Communication, and Engagement for Science in a Post-Pandemic World
Impact of COVID19 on livelihoods, mobility and accessibility of marginalised groups