Taxing ghosts: closing residency loopholes to fund post-pandemic recovery efforts

Taxing ghosts: closing residency loopholes to fund post-pandemic recovery efforts

Funders involved: ESRC; SSHRC; NRF

This project focuses on the international tax reform agenda and aims to (1) research the national and international factors that facilitate tax ghosting by wealthy individuals and corporations, (2) demonstrate the disparate economic threats created by such tax ghosting, and (3) analyse why states have failed to recognize the threats to date and propose novel yet feasible policy solutions based on our findings.

Lead Principal Investigator: Dr Kristin Surak (, LSE, UK

Principal Investigators:

Allison Christians (, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Afton Titus (, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Precious Ndlovu (, University of the Western Cape, South Africa