Towards a green and inclusive post-pandemic recovery of the Blue Economy and coastal communities

Towards a green and inclusive post-pandemic recovery of the Blue Economy and coastal communities

Funders involved: ESRC; NSF; IDRC; BMBF/DLR-PT

This project will provide science-based guidance for post COVID recovery of coastal communities through a trans-national comparative study across coastal areas in Costa Rica, Germany, Scotland (UK), and the USA. The project aims to determine key enabling factors across all regions that lead to response performance so as to inform the development of future strategies for a green and inclusive coastal recovery.

Lead Principal Investigator: Professor Fabrice Renaud (, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Glasgow, UK

Principal Investigators:

Dr. Marta Vicarelli (, Department of Economics and School of Public Policy, University of Massachusetts, USA

Dr. Zita Sebesvari (, United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security, Bonn, Germany

Ms. Catalina Esquivel Rodríguez (, School of Public Administration, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica