Voices of Recovery: Recognising intersecting risks, capacities and pandemic recovery needs in marginalised communities of Latin America

Voices of Recovery: Recognising intersecting risks, capacities and pandemic recovery needs in marginalised communities of Latin America


‘Voices of Recovery’ is a multi-country, interdisciplinary partnership that focuses on understanding and supporting the recovery needs of socially, politically and physically marginalised communities in Latin America. The project goes much further than posing research questions, and will be rooted in participation and action, using creative arts approaches to strengthen people’s articulation of rights and needs during and after the pandemic.

Lead Principal Investigator: Professor Roger Few (r.few@uea.ac.uk), University of East Anglia, UK

Principal Investigators:

Dr Liana O. Anderson (liana.anderson@gmail.com), National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters (CEMADEN), São José dos Campos, Brazil

Dr Nelvia Victoria Lugo Agudelo (victoria.lugo@ucaldas.edu.co), Universidad de Caldas, Colombia

Dr María Eugenia Ulfe (mulfe@pucp.edu.pe), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú