Youth, affective polarization and trust: a transnational perspective (YAPT)
Lead-PI: Marjoke Oosterom, University of Sussex
Consortium: Halfdan Lynge, Wits University; José Verissimo Romão Netto, Universidade de Sao Paulo
The role of social media engagement in dynamics of affective polarization and trust is weakly understood for countries in the Global South and particularly among youth. This project explores the extent to which young people’s social media engagement with online manifestations of party polarization influences their levels of social and institutional trust, and consequently, their social and political behaviours. With the results of the research, the project aims to uncover entry-points for depolarization. In Brazil, India, and South Africa, the project will focus on understanding dynamics of polarization, trust and behaviours among urban youth. In the UK, the project will work with diaspora youth from these three countries, analysing their social media engagement with polarized debates in their countries of origin. The project will combine qualitative, participatory research to capture youth voices, with social media analytics (SMA) that will analyse online polarized debate at scale. Preliminary findings will inform the design of deliberative MiniPublics, followed by another round of qualitative research, which will explore whether it is possible to engage youth in ways that reduces polarized debates and increases social and institutional trust.